If you have previously published an Android app using Evlop Mobile App Builder and are now looking to submit an app update to the Play Store, please follow these steps
- Go to your Shopify dashboard.
- Go to sales channel.
- Click on evlop- mobile app.
- Now, Go to App Publishing page.
- Click on the Android app dropdown,
- Click on ‘Build and upload to Play Store’.
Now you’ve successfully submitted your app updated to the Play Store.

After a build process that typically takes around 25 minutes, your app is submitted for review on the Google play store. Once the review is completed, your app update. becomes available for users to download.
Note: If you have received an error message stating ‘Manual upload required,’ we kindly request you to refer to this helpful article 👉 [Help Article]. Alternatively, feel free to reach out to Evlop Support via email at [email protected] or contact us directly on WhatsApp. We are here to assist you.