Additional product option

“Additional product option variants” or “option features” refer to the various characteristics or attributes that a particular product may have. These can include size, colour, material, style, etc.

For example:

When we talk about building an app for a shop, like a clothing store, there are ‘additional product option variants’ or ‘option features’. What does this mean? Well, if you’re selling a t-shirt, it comes in different sizes, colors, and materials.

For example, you might have:

  • Sizes: Small, Medium, Large, and XL.
  • Colors: Black, White, Blue, and Red.
  • Materials: Cotton and Polyester.

In our app builder, you can set up these options for each product. This way, your customers can choose exactly what they want, just like in a real store.

Sometimes, these options can change the price of the item. Like, a larger size or a special material might cost a bit more.

Adding these options to your app is a good thing. It makes shopping easier and more fun for your customers. It also helps you keep track of what’s in stock.

We’ve made it really straightforward to get this feature up and running in your app. We’ve partnered with GLOBO to make the process as smooth as possible.

Here’s all you need to do:

  1. First, install the Globo Product Options, Variants. This will give you control over your product details and inventory.
  2. Then, manage your inventories right there in Globo. This keeps your stock levels in check.
  3. Once you’re done, you’ll need to download a CSV file of your variants from GLOBO. This file has all the details of your product options.
  4. Finally, upload this CSV file to the ‘Additional Product Options’ section in our app builder.

And that’s it! You’re all set. Your app will now show all the different options for your products, making it super easy for your customers to find exactly what they’re looking for